Your appearance does more than define who you are on the outside. When your outside appearance doesn’t reflect the way you feel on the inside, it can affect your confidence. A facelift procedure at our office in Portland, Oregon can be very beneficial for those seeking a younger or smoother appearance. There are many different factors that can determine if you are the perfect candidate for a facelift. As always, it is important to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bohley to further discuss if you are a good candidate, but below are three reasons that can help you determine if a facelift is right for you.
- Loose Skin. If you have extra skin on your face or neck that is making you feel uncomfortable or less confident, a facelift can be an effective treatment. Unwanted sagging skin can make you appear older or tired. A facelift with remove and tighten any excess skin that can be bothersome.
- Skin Elasticity. An ideal candidate for a facelift will have skin with a significant amount of flexibility. The skin is stretched and pulled, removing the appearance of any sagging and it is important to make sure your skin is in the right condition.
- Bone Structure. For the best results from your facelift, a patient with defined bone structure to help support the alterations is an ideal candidate. With a supportive and strong structure, results have been shown to last longer.
To know for sure if you are a good candidate for a facelift contact Dr. Bohley’s office located for the surrounding areas of Vancouver, Washington right away to schedule a consultation.